I’ve always loved
words. Early on, I would remember words I heard on television or radio, or from
grown up conversations and try to work them into my own spiel at a later date.
Several times, repeating words I heard my father’s friends say in “guy” bull
sessions earned me a corner table at the Lifebuoy Soap cafe, with the entree
delivered by my mother. If you catch my drift.
My enthusiasm for the
sound of words may have contributed to my career choices: semi-professional
radio pronouncer and disk-jockey (reinforced by my love of music) and later on,
writer of stories, books and doggerel. To this day, I continue my life-long
habit of incorporating fun-to-say words into my day-to-day speech. Words such
as: marginalia, kumquat and brap-a-dap-a-dap-a-dap.
Etymology, in itself
a fun word to wrap your lips around, sounds like it should be the be the study
of someone’s dining habits as in “I et last night at Tommy O’s and the night
before I et at that Russian sushi joint over on Maybe Street. But, as I’m sure
you know, etymology is the study of word origins.
The internet is a
wonderful place, allowing us to dig for information on a wide range of subjects.
Occasionally, the excavated facts are even true. This is a great boon to a
dedicated amateur etymologist like me. Here are a sampling of my current
favorite words and a brief explanation of their roots.
· hornswoggle—meaning to embarrass, disconcert or
confuse. Nobody’s quite sure, but they think it was one of those farcified
words settlers in the American West liked to invent to confuse the
· bamboozle—A cousin of hornswoggle. To practice trickery—to take
advantage of someone. Again, they’re not sure, but think it might have spun off
the Scottish word “bumbaze.” If you’ve had a few “wee drops” of single malt and
a mouthful of haggis, it’s easy to see how it could evolve.
· Unctuous—a favorite because it’s so perfectly descriptive. It
means excessively smooth, suave or smug. With a side order of insincere. The
word comes from Middle Ages Latin.
· Wanker—This one is British slang. Used as a pejorative. Shows
disdain for the person described. It’s roots are 19th century British
working-class and derives from a form (ahem) of self gratification. Thus the
verb form “to wank.”
· Snogging—another British slang tongue tantalizer. It mean’s
kissing, cuddling and perhaps anything short of actually tummy bumping. The
roots are uncertain but first turned up amongst U.K. hipsters in the late 50’s.
· Pejorative—Expression of disapproval or contempt. Roots are Latin
and adapted by the French because it was fun to pronounce through your nose.
· Loofah—sounds like it should be some sort of exotic sports
chant, doesn’t it? Yes, the Samoans have scored again here at the exfoliation
bowl and their fans reward them with their trademark cheer: “loofah, loofah,
loofah.” It’s called the vegetable sponge and is the fruit of the Luffa plant.
Arabic in origin.
So, now, it’s your
turn to etymologize. Remember, if you can dazzle ‘em with footwork, baffle ‘em
with B.S. Share a fun-to-say word or two in the comments.